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Censys is a platform that helps information security practitioners discover, monitor, and analyze devices that are accessible from the Internet. Regularly probes every public IP address and popular domain names, curate and enrich the resulting data, and make it intelligible through an interactive search engine and API.


You need a valid Censys API integration subscription to use the analyzer.

  • Provide your API uid as values for the uid parameter.
  • Provide your API key as values for the key parameter.


Author: Nils Kuhnert, CERT-Bund; Fabien Bloume, StrangeBee
License: AGPL-V3
Version: 2.0
Supported observables types:
- ip
- hash
- domain
Registration required: True
Subscription required: True
Free subscription: False
Third party service:


Check IPs, certificate hashes or domains against


uid UID for Censys
Default value if not configured N/A
Type of the configuration item string
The configuration item can contain multiple values False
Is required True
key API key
Default value if not configured N/A
Type of the configuration item string
The configuration item can contain multiple values False
Is required True
max_records Maximum number of records for domains
Default value if not configured N/A
Type of the configuration item number
The configuration item can contain multiple values False
Is required True

Templates samples for TheHive#

Censys: Long report template